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High-Quality Kitchen Countertops in San Diego, CA

Beautiful Cooking and Eating Surfaces in Various Materials

Granite Gallery Enterprises, Inc is famed for providing high-quality kitchen countertops to San Diego, CA residents. Whether you are looking for classic marble, quartz, or granite, we can deliver on our promise of superior products. We have the expertise required to make recommendations to our customers. Our experience allows us to help customers build the kitchen of their dreams. From kitchens to bathrooms and from countertops to tile flooring, we’ve got you covered.


The kitchen is the centerpiece of any home. Allow us to help you transform it into something else entirely and enhance your home’s value.

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Kitchen Customizer

Our kitchen customizer allows you to visualize your new kitchen by combining dozens of countertop, backsplash, and flooring options.

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Tile Installation

In addition to countertops, we also provide tile installation to our customers. Tile flooring is a nice break from wood flooring and can spruce up any home.

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Whether you want to add a half bath or transform your full bathroom into a spa-like room, Granite Gallery Enterprises, Inc can help.

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kitchen countertops and cabinets

Our Team Is Proud to Offer an Array of Countertops

When it comes to providing countertops to our customers, we accomplish our lofty goals by staying true to our commitments to quality and variety. We know every customer is different, so we offer a vast array of options to them. For instance, we have endless patterns and textures available in quartz, marble, granite, and more. Each one is like a blank slate: Choose a surface type, and a world of possibilities opens before your eyes. Before you embark on your next kitchen or bathroom remodeling project, be sure to consider Granite Gallery Enterprises, Inc for all of your countertop needs.

kitchen showroom

Flooring for Full-Scale Home Makeovers

In addition to countertops, we offer an impressive range of products, each designed to amplify the qualities of the room they’re in. For instance, once you select a countertop, our experts can help you choose a tile flooring material that will complement it well. And suppose you’re interested in a complete remake of your kitchen or bathroom. Our goal is to help you put the finishing touches on a new experience, one you can enjoy for years to come. By only selling the highest-quality materials, we guarantee your satisfaction.

Contact Us Today for a Free Quote

3275 Main Street
Chula Vista, CA 91911


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM